Friday, March 12, 2010


Looking at all those labels, I'm reminded of being on Clock and then having the song "Honey Baby" pressed in England for London American label. Someone I remember, a truly nice man, over at Clock was David "Baby" Cortez who was one of the writers of "Honey Baby" for me.

He had his own #1 record on Clock in 1959, an instrumental, called "The Happy Organ." His birth name David Clowney is the third name on the label.

We're linking above to a small site we found on Baby that has a picture of him as I remember him.

Dave and Wally Moody over at Clock were so successful, they had about 10 number one hits in the late fifties - 1959. That was the most for any medium sized label in the nation.

COMING UP SOON we're going to link to the amazing on-line record label collection !

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