Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today many people outside of the field of marketing are familiar with the term "Branding."

Branding a person is turning them into an easily to recall, recognizable symbol. For instance, when Dick Clark said that Elvis Presley was one of the most recognizable brands in the world, he meant that Elvis had reached the point in his fame where you didn't even have to say Presley. The name Elvis meant Elvis Presley, the Rockabilly star who became known as "The King of Rock and Roll," (TM!)

When United Artists was grooming me to be a Rockabilly star, they had their own public relations - promotions- marketing department that fed articles to newspapers, as well as inciting the interest of magazine writers, Dj's at radio stations, and television show bookers. "WES BRYAN-THE NEXT JAMES DEAN" was the brand they were trying to promote.

I did everything I could to cooperate with their plans for me and my career. I was grateful for the opportunities presented to me. Still, after some time I began to want to be known for being me - Wes Bryan.

Then, after years of being chased around by fans and enjoying a public life, I became a private citizen and was grateful for that opportunity too. A few years ago when Christine Trzyna told me that I had Internet presence I was shocked!

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