Saturday, March 1, 2008


Once in a while Christine and I spend some time checking out what various search engines bring up about me and my career. The other day we wondered why our blog was not appearing on Google, when Google is the supplier of Blogger TM and is said to carry 60% of all blogs, when ours appears on Yahoo, and a few others. Christine "pinged" and resubmitted our URL. This morning our blog is appearing, as well as our complaint to Google help groups about it. Whoever or whatever happened, it's one of those Internet Mysteries.

Now, we said this before but one of our reasons for blogging is to help people get out of all that Wes Bryan confusion. Several other Wes Bryan's have Internet presence but they aren't me and I'm not them! I wonder sometimes how many of them have gotten messages for me and visa versa. I wonder if the Christian Minister who wrote a book and has a music CD has ever been asked about his "wild past" as a rockabilly artist, or if the teenage Wes Bryan's out there have been asked how they met Elvis...

We'll carry on here. Thanks, whoever or whatever got us back up on the Google search engine.

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