Monday, October 1, 2007


As I mentioned earlier, I first met Jimmy Bowen at a record hop in Akron, Ohio, where I took my demo record that I had made in a kitchen in Winston-Salem with some other kids. DJ. Art Roberts and Jimmy Bowen loved my little record. About that time Jimmy Bowen and Buddy Knox were recording together. I met Buddy Knox in New York after I was signed by United Artists Record label.

YouTube is a a popular Web video sharing site that lets anyone store short videos for private or public viewing. It was founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim and it was acquired by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion, according to an article on's encyclopedia. We were looking at You-Tube and found these circa 1957 videos of Buddy Knox and Jimmy Bowen.

Enjoy these! They are music history!

BUDDY KNOX performing "Party Doll," his number one hit, and "Hula Love."

This is the Ed Sullivan television show according to Buddy's son Michael Knox!

VIDEO UPGRADED January 22, 2011

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